Why Journaling is Important Jul  16, 2021
Why Journaling is Important?

According to research in journal therapy, any kind of format that is followed for journaling is extremely therapeutic. Getting into a habit of daily or weekly journaling really works like a catalyst in your healing journey. Whether you are seeking professional therapy for social, emotional, mental or financial challenges or just using self-help treatment

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Journal Therapy Jul  20, 2021
How can Journal Therapy support the route to recovery? Self Help Tools-Part 2

Journal Therapy is a highly researched, dynamically growing, widely expansive modality to strengthen the mind-body connection & vent out difficult or toxic thoughts, feelings & emotions. It is a highly therapeutic tool to accomplish deep healing & to rewire the brain in order to connect with new positive programs. During my journey of working with kids

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Regression Therapy Mar  25, 2021
Regression Therapy and its Bigger Picture

In many ancient texts, the theory of reincarnation is propagated and at the same time there are other ancient texts that believe that, humans live only one life and that is the current one. Which of the two opposing viewpoints are correct? That is entirely a matter of debate and does not have any one word answer to it. Also, we do not have enough

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Healthy Bond between Parents and Kids Nov  12, 2020
Mindful Parenting: A Reliable Approach towards a Healthy Bond between Parents and Kids

To be a parent is undeniably one of the most challenging jobs as once you are a parent for at least another 20 years you have to keep yourself as well as your kids at the highest priority. In case as a parent, you feel that your own personal needs are being ignored, you need to take a step back and foster a new relationship with yourself first.

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Our Eternal Friends Nov  09, 2020
Life Lessons: Our Eternal Friend

One question that I wondered about since childhood was that, “Why people suffer because of poverty, violence, injustice, disease etc.?” It basically revolved around, “why God had to create the concept of pain, be it in any form, whether physical, mental or emotional?” I believe that we all at some time, have asked similar questions

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Emotional Regulation Mechanism Nov  03, 2020
Emotional Regulation: An Inbuilt mechanism compatible with External Training

A very common observation in schools and colleges as reported by School Counselors and teachers is that, students easily lose control and immediately indulge in physical fights.  Lately, our government has established strict rules against corporal punishment and is a big No-No to be practiced. Setting clear rules regarding communicating

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Interaction between Mind and Body Oct  23, 2020
Chakra Healing: Channel of interaction between Mind and Body

Chakras are spinning vortices of energy residing at specific points along the vertical column called ‘sushumna’. They are like gateways between various dimensions characterizing different aspects of our lives. The word ‘chakra’ comes from a Sanskrit word which means wheel or disk and denotes a point of intersection where mind and body meet.

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Magnetize a New Reality Oct  03, 2020
Law of Attraction: Magnetize a New Reality

Whatever activities we do on a day to day basis whether it is related to career, relationships, personal well-being etc., we are seeking happiness out of it. The root intention behind everything is everlasting joy. However, we all have observed that whenever we achieve something like purchasing a new car that we wanted to or getting our first job,

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How to practice Conscious Parenting Sep  30, 2020
Parenting: How to practice Conscious Parenting

All kinds of jobs that we perform always involve some kind of training, internship, hands on experience, mentoring etc. However, parenting is the only full-time occupation which is not only highly demanding and unpaid but almost always includes its own set of moments which are extremely challenging leading to confusion, frustration and helplessness.

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Intervention that integrates Mind and Body Sep  28, 2020
Yoga Psychotherapy: Intervention that integrates mind and body

Yoga is quite a popular science which is known for its therapeutic effects bringing mind-body balance, muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility. It is accepted throughout the globe and is also celebrated every year internationally on 21st June. Yoga is believed to be a cardiovascular practice that using breath as a tool heals the mind as well as the body.

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A Gracious Presence Sep  25, 2020
Mindfulness: A Gracious Presence

Mindfulness is a therapeutic practice that brings ease and calm in our mind and body also leading to a kind and honest acknowledgement of all that is happening currently. Mindfulness means to simply be aware of all that we are experiencing in the present moment. We all might have noticed at one point of time or another that whenever

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A Journey Within Meditation Aug  11, 2020
Meditation: A Journey Within

Each day of our lives, we go through a variety of experiences. Some experiences are good while some are bad. The good experiences give us pleasure while the bad ones give us learning. No experience in life goes waste. Often our perception gets distorted and we start complaining about our life experiences.

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Regression therapy help you fall in love Jul  24, 2017
How can Regression therapy help you fall in love with yourself

Most of us look for myriad ways to recover ourselves. Whether it is from something that has happened in the past or circumstances that you are currently undergoing we all have dark phases of our lives to make peace with. Such dark stages make us question ourselves. These questions then come to be obstacles in our vanity.

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How Clinical Hypnotherapy Helping Digestive Disorders Jul  05, 2017
How Clinical Hypnotherapy is Helping People with Digestive Disorders

It’s fair to assume that when the majority of people hear the word hypnosis, a flurry of pictures come to mind, and also just as several mistaken beliefs. Yet as more individuals are uncovering, scientific hypnosis therapy stands to provide a wide range of wellness benefits that have nothing to do with turning watches or spinning pendulums.

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