Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a blend of modern psychology and Chinese medicine or acupuncture. As per science, our bodies run along around 72,000 meridians or energy pathways which allow the appropriate distribution of “prana” all over the body.
Whenever we are unable to deal with any emotional aspect of an experience, that feeling gets repressed and causes these energy pathways to block. The blockage leads to dysfunction as they create obstruction in the energy flow. Disrupted energy flow causes diseases or illnesses in the mind and body. In EFT, we use tapping along with describing specifically our feelings and experiences.
We tap the scientifically chosen power points which are the intersections of various energy channels. The complete acknowledgment of the present feelings along with tapping leads to unblocking of the energy pipeline. The experience once is fully processed; we use the principles of positive psychology and amalgamate a new, fresh perspective. This fresh perspective once set fully in place trains the mind to see through an empowered viewpoint and the person instantly founds relief and freedom from the old, negative feelings and beliefs.